
Photo by Гоар Авдалян on Unsplash 育嬰留職停薪、或當兵留職停薪,可以選擇自願全額繳交退撫基金,俗稱的「買年資」,意思是買留職停薪當年的年資,為的就是退休時能夠有更好的規劃。通常這時候對於是否多一年的退休年資,是需要做一些評估的。 學妹Jane 因為懷了第二胎正準備育嬰留停,在IG發限動詢問關於「留停買年資效益評估」的疑惑。在我理財規劃服務的客群和學員當中,有不少的公教人員也有過類似的情況,我發現大家遇到全額繳交退撫基金效益評估時,常忽略的兩個重點,第一是通貨膨脹、第二是投資效益,我用案例試算給大家看。     一、原以為的留停買年資效益評估 Jane自己試算了留職停薪買年資的效益評估,如下圖: 原以為的留職停薪買年資效益評估 假設留職停薪一年自願全繳退撫基金,明年總共需要繳交 8,826 元 × 12 個月= 105,912 元;退休時以薪點 650 來估算月退金,購買年資比不買年資,多了一年年資,退休年資預計為 34 年,屆時所得替代率為 58.5% ,比不買年資的 57.0% 高了 1.5% 。 139 年 8 月 1 日辦理月退後,每月月退休金能夠領到 60,734 元;若選擇不買年資則領59,177元,兩者的月退金差額為 1,557 元。 Janey自己試算的留停買年資效益評估: 105,912 ÷ 1,557 ≒ 68 個月,只要退休後至少領 5 年 8 個月,能夠將 105,912 元領回本。 而她的疑問是,想要了解看看是否有其他請過產假、育嬰假的教師朋友有相關經驗,想要多評估一下!我跟Jane分享,以下兩點也要考量進去,這樣對妳全面的理財規劃會更有幫助。     二、留停買年資,容易忽略的 2 點效益評估 1. 通貨膨脹 不管你的錢放在哪裡,隨著時間拉長,幣值是越來越薄的,現在的 105,912 元並不等於 27 年後的購買力。如果將考慮通膨考慮進去,以平均 2% 來算的話, 在Jane退休的 27 年後, 180,779 元才等值於現在的 105,912 元。 也就是說 180,779 ÷ 1,557 ≒ 116 個月,月退金要領 116 個月,也就是 9 年 8 個月才真正回本。 首先我們要能...

5 Financial New Year's Resolutions for 2021

Hello everyone! This is my first article in English. I’ll share my financial goals with you.

We know 2020 was a challenging year for some people impacted by the global pandemic. Still, it is important to reset our personal finances and our goals for the new year.

happy new year

Every end of year, I set some new resolutions about my work, my daily life, or my investment that all what I want to achieve for the next year. And I have 2-4 check points to adjust my plan if they are not on the schedule or ahead of schedule. Besides check my goals once every three months by myself and with my boss who also has the CFP® license. What is CFP® license?


2021 resolutions

What are my financial goals? There are five.

1. Net Assets Grow 30%-40%

It is the first time I set a goal with my net assets. I’m so excited about that, because I am looking forward that will come true. And how I set the goals? I have filled out two forms for four years, one is about my income & expenditure and another one is about my assets & debt. It helped me know how my assets grow in the past years. So the beginning of the new year, I try to set a number for my net assets that what I want it to grow up.


2. Systematic Investment Plan Of ETF NT 10,000 A Month

My assets include deposits in Taiwan dollars and U.S. dollars, life insurance, fund, stocks and ETF. I hope my financial goals can be achieved. I'll start to invest on ETF of U.S. stocks. The earlier start to invest, the better for me.


3. Put More Money Away For Retirement

If my passive income more than my cost, I earn more time to spend what I love to do. So I need have a balance between now and future. I enjoy my life and I have to consider my retired life. It’s not be early to prepare my pension, because it is a huge amount that I never ever have.


4. Have Enough But Not Too Much Insurance to Cover Contingencies

Insurance is something of a tough call. And insurance can make or break my finance. Some people don’t have enough coverage, while many others are paying too much for the coverage that they have. Striking a balance between the two is another of those good financial goals.


5. Becoming Minimalist But Spend Money Bravely

I rarely go shopping. I think I own a lot. More shopping doesn’t make me happier. The ‘One in, one out rule’ is a great idea for reduce excess items, save room space and save my wallet. But maybe I can spend money bravely on what I want to buy and what I need.



Did you make any resolutions concerning your personal finances last January? If so, what are your new year financial goals for 2021? Share with me~
